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"An Introduction to the World of Bunraku." An Introduction to the World of Bunraku. Web. 27 Mar. 2016.


            This source provides in depth history of the development and organization of Bunraku, as well as detailed descriptions of the stage and how the puppets are built and operated. This site is clearly laid out to lead from a more basic overview of the genre, to specific information about the various types and uses of the heads of different puppets, based on the character of the puppet. The website is also linked from the home website of the Japanese Art Council, which also connects to sites about the other indigenous Japanese theatre forms and their more popular modern performance venues and companies.

Barthes, Roland, and David Savran. “The Dolls of Bunraku”. Diacritics 6.4 (1976): 44–47. Web...


            This source dives into the more philosophical and metaphysical purposes and practices of Bunraku puppetry. The article addresses the idea of the theatre as a liminal space in which there is a gateway between the identity of the puppeteers as performers and the puppets as characters. The source quotes “It must be remembered that the agents of the spectacle in Bunraku are visible and impassive at the same time” and goes on to describe how “with Bunraku, the sources of the theatre (the puppeteers) are exposed in their emptiness.” Bunraku also embodies a unique methodology of alienation, in that it separates the aural experience from the visual, while also showing a double layer of visual action in the shadowy movements of the puppeteers behind the puppets.


"Introducing the World of Noh : What Is Kyogen?" Introducing the World of Noh : What Is Kyogen? Web. 27 Mar. 2016.


            This source contrasts what my website generally refers to as Kyogen (hon-kyogen), which are full length plays performed between full length Noh plays, and ai-kyogen­, which are short performances between Noh scene, usually by a solo actor, that provides background information to the Noh play in which it is set. Kyogen developed from an older form called Sangaku, from which Noh split to focus more on song and dance. The site goes on to detail the recorded history of the development of Kyogen, as well as listing the different kinds of shows in the repertory of the two oldest Japanese Kyogen schools.

Ishii, Tatsuro. “Scenography of Outdoor Performance in Japan”. The Drama Review: TDR 28.2 (1984): 66–76. Web...


             This source details the history of the development of staging conventions in Japanese theatre, from the prehistoric inspirations of the Dengaku rituals, which developed into Sarugaku and then Noh. Japanese performances originated as shamanistic rituals to bring fertility to the harvest. Simple stages were built over rice paddies to celebrate the planting of the rice, and then destroyed after the ceremony. “The outdoor stage, then, is transient, not permanent.” The idea of a transient performance space continues today into the décor of modern Noh theatres, as well as in the staging of performances by travelling Japanese troupes.

"Kodansha USA." , Inc. Web. 27 Mar. 2016.


"NOH & KYOGEN -An Introduction to the World of Noh & Kyogen-." NOH & KYOGEN -An Introduction to the World of Noh & Kyogen-. Web. 27 Mar. 2016.



"The Virtual Museum of Japanese Arts." The Virtual Museum of Japanese Arts. Web. 27 Mar. 2016.


"Introduction to Bunraku: Bunraku and Barbara Curtis Adachi." Introduction to Bunraku: Bunraku and Barbara Curtis Adachi. Web. 27 Mar. 2016.



"Kyogen Translations." Kyogen Translations. Web. 27 Mar. 2016.



"Japan - Kabuki and Bunraku." Japan - Kabuki and Bunraku. Web. 27 Mar. 2016.



"Facts About Japan." Japanese Theater. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2016.



"Bunraku." - Japanese Puppet Theater. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Mar. 2016.



"Artist Interview: Kanjuro Kiritake III." Performing Arts Network Japan. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Mar. 2016.



Alland, Alexander. “The Construction of Reality and Unreality in Japanese Theatre”. The Drama Review: TDR 23.2 (1979): 3–10. Web...



Barthes, Roland. “On Bunraku”. The Drama Review: TDR 15.2 (1971): 76–80. Web...


Berberich, Junko Sakaba. “The Idea of Rapture as an Approach to Kyōgen”. Asian Theatre Journal 6.1 (1989): 31–46. Web...


Boucquey, Thierry. “Nipponese Cousins of Medieval French Farce Characters: A Primer on Ancient Japanese Kyogen”. Pacific Coast Philology 46 (2011): 1–12. Web...



Dasgupta, Gautam. “Bunraku Miniatures”. Performing Arts Journal 7.2 (1983): 29–35. Web...



Doi, Yuriko. “Theatre of Yugen's Direction of Kyōgen in English and Kyōgen Fusion Plays”. Asian Theatre Journal 24.1 (2007): 247–261. Web...



Graham-White, Anthony. “A Set of Kyōgen Adaptations: Henry Livings's Pongo Plays”. Asian Theatre Journal 24.1 (2007): 269–277. Web...



Iezzi, Julie A.. “"kyōgen" in English: A Bibliography”. Asian Theatre Journal 24.1 (2007): 211–234. Web...



John Kuzel. “Tradition in Transition: The Shigeyama Chūzaburō Kyōgen Family Looks to the Future”. Asian Theatre Journal 24.1 (2007): 197–210. Web...



Jones, Stanleigh H.. “Puccini Among the Puppets: Madame Butterfly on the Japanese Puppet Stage”. Monumenta Nipponica 38.2 (1983): 163–174. Web...



Kominz, Laurence. “Authenticity and Accessibility: Two Decades of Translating and Adapting Kyōgen Plays for English and Bilingual Student Performances”. Asian Theatre Journal 24.1 (2007): 235–246. Web...



KOTT, JAN, and Boleslaw Taborski. “Bunraku and Kabuki, Or, About Imitation”. Salmagundi 35 (1976): 99–109. Web...



Ortolani, Benito. “Shamanism in the Origins of the Nō Theatre”. Asian Theatre Journal 1.2 (1984): 166–190. Web...



Seki Kobayashi, and Shinko Kagaya. “Kyōgen in the Postwar Era”. Asian Theatre Journal 24.1 (2007): 144–177. Web... 



Serper, Zvika. “Japanese Noh and Kyōgen Plays: Staging Dichotomy”. Comparative Drama39.3/4 (2005): 307–360. Web...



Skipitares, Theodora. “The Tension of Modern Bunraku”. PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art 26.1 (2004): 13–21. Web...



Westerhout, Gart T. “Muromachi Musicals: Resetting Kyōgen in a Modern Medium”. Asian Theatre Journal 24.1 (2007): 262–268. Web...



Yip, Leo Shingchi. “Comedy of Exotic Conflicts: Chinese Character Plays of "kyōgen"”. Asian Theatre Journal 27.2 (2010): 286–306. Web...




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